I have cycled 5000 kilometres, written and recorded so much material for my new album.
You can pre-order it here for only £8
Here is my latest blog:
Escape from Andorra
What a difference a day makes
Apparently its -5 degrees this morning.
Sometimes you just have to wear all of the clothing you have and go for it!
(well, except the suit of course)
What? down there?
It was like being in a computer game, avoiding the frozen pot holes, black ice, snow and a freezing cloud. Only a couple of things.....I could not find any of those extra lives and gold coins?
78 miles later...
Recording in a old French market building
Love the 360 panorama wrap
102 miles total. Biggest day yet!
Outside the she-riffs office
Forest echoes
Go on, next time you are in the woods shout a short "hey" and hear the sound bounce off of the trees.

Stamping on old branches, wood blocks and percussion!
Backing vocals in a cloister

So excited!
My mum and brother have driven down from England to find me for my birthday! how good is that!!!!
We all went exploring
... and recorded in the courtyard of a church
...And played at the well of Saint Maria
...And wrote some new song ideas
...pulled lots of silly faces
...And had a really great birthday.
Ahhhh. So brilliant to see them and so sad to say goodbye too.
3 weeks until home...
Recording in a hut in the Dordogne
(A fantastic bass enhancing guitar booth)
Yeehaaa! it all down hill from here, right?
Drum beats in a 30 metre deep well
There is no one around...... so lets investigate.

So deep!
I found some really large pebbles and ricocheted them off of the inside to create drum patterns!
di, dit, dack, de, dat , da da ploosh.
In a cave of stalactites and stalagmites
Well, if you are going to work/record a song it might as well be in a cave full of stalagmites and stalagtites with 17000 year old cave paintings on the walls.

Thank you so much to all at "Le Villars de Grotte" for letting me record here!
A really interesting sound. The ceiling is like a sound proofed recording studio control room. Because of the shapes of the rocks, sound does not reflect or bounce, so it is close, but then there is and echo aftertaste from deeper in the cave.
Cant wait for you to hear it on the album!
Writing by a lake where the reflections look like sound wave forms
(ha ha, i'm not really walking on water)
Extracting the audio wave form from the image
A totally unplanned Cheese find...
So, there I was cycling along, heading north, when I saw a sign for a castle.....thought I would go and have a look...
ha ha, would you brielieve it:
Woooah. What a week.
I wonder what I will find next?
If you would like to pre order my new album "Just for the Record Too" please visit here:
Or more info down here:
So excited!
My mum and brother have driven down from England to find me for my birthday! how good is that!!!!
We all went exploring
... and recorded in the courtyard of a church
...And played at the well of Saint Maria
...pulled lots of silly faces
...And had a really great birthday.
Ahhhh. So brilliant to see them and so sad to say goodbye too.
3 weeks until home...
Recording in a hut in the Dordogne
(A fantastic bass enhancing guitar booth)
Yeehaaa! it all down hill from here, right?
Drum beats in a 30 metre deep well
There is no one around...... so lets investigate.

So deep!
I found some really large pebbles and ricocheted them off of the inside to create drum patterns!
di, dit, dack, de, dat , da da ploosh.
In a cave of stalactites and stalagmites
Well, if you are going to work/record a song it might as well be in a cave full of stalagmites and stalagtites with 17000 year old cave paintings on the walls.
Thank you so much to all at "Le Villars de Grotte" for letting me record here!
A really interesting sound. The ceiling is like a sound proofed recording studio control room. Because of the shapes of the rocks, sound does not reflect or bounce, so it is close, but then there is and echo aftertaste from deeper in the cave.
Cant wait for you to hear it on the album!
Writing by a lake where the reflections look like sound wave forms
(ha ha, i'm not really walking on water)
Extracting the audio wave form from the image
A totally unplanned Cheese find...
So, there I was cycling along, heading north, when I saw a sign for a castle.....thought I would go and have a look...
ha ha, would you brielieve it:
Woooah. What a week.
I wonder what I will find next?
If you would like to pre order my new album "Just for the Record Too" please visit here:
Or more info down here:
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